Believes in Magic

The background fabric here reminds me of a fairy tale and this quote:
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King
She believes in magic (5.5” x 9”)

For a giveaway entry, post a comment: tell me the name of your favorite fairy tale.

8 Replies to “Believes in Magic”

  1. I love the color of her hair in this piece. My favorite fairytale is Beauty and the Beast.

  2. Agree about the awesome hair. Cinderella for sure.

  3. I really like the background fabric of this piece. It reminds me of traveling and heading to other lands. Cinderella was (and is) my favorite fairy tale. I always wished for a fairy godmother to sweep me away from my sad childhood and help me find my joy!

  4. An easy question!! For me it’s always The Princess and the Pea!!

  5. Kathy Teal says:

    Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale, it was so very magical to me as a child.

  6. Alisa Timmerman says:

    Such a lovely piece.
    My favorite fairytale is HCA’s
    Little one eye, two eyes and three eyes. Before I could read, I made my parents read it to me at least twice a week.

  7. Alisa Timmerman says:

    *Brothers Grimm not HCA

  8. Cinderella!!!

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