She let the world see her love

She let the world see her love (8.5” x 11.5”)

I had no plans when I walked into my studio. My machine was threaded with pink thread, the bobbin near empty. I thought I should stitch a little something with it. I grabbed the gray fabric strips thrown haphazardly in a basket and began stitching.

The pink bobbin now spent, what next?

I glanced around at the mess and spied an unfinished mixed media canvas with bits of blue and red fabric scraps laid atop it. The gray matched perfectly. I found the faces I’d printed recently along with a new pattern for larger creative girls.

Not all of my creative endeavors come together so well or so quickly but sometimes an art quilt just wants to be done!

One Reply to “She let the world see her love”

  1. wow Carrie, you’ve been on a creative (and ruffled!) roll lately!
    This art quilt definitely has a special fancifulness to it!♥

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