Art Quilt Blocks Article

My art quilt blocks are published in the Summer 2013 issue of Sew Somerset. The photos of the blocks are fantastic.
There are several other articles int this issue that have me itching to sew.
wpid-IMG_1468-2013-06-5-10-36.jpg wpid-IMG_1474-2013-06-5-10-36.jpg

4 Replies to “Art Quilt Blocks Article”

  1. sew surprising says:

    Oh how exciting 🙂 I truly cant imagine this wonderful achievement happening to a nicer person 🙂

  2. Not surprised, they are beautiful and personal, going to go get my Copy

  3. WOW Carrie!!! So exciting! I will go grab a copy soon. Thanks for the posts I love seeing your work!

  4. gorgeous! that publication really knows how to lay out an article so that the reader can really revel in the artist’s work!

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