Reflections on 2012

2012 has been filled with creativity, adventure and connection. As I browse through this year’s blog posts, I am amazed. I knew I had been busy, but…wow!

I completed over 3 dozen art quilts – stitched backgrounds, girls and ruffles and so much color – yumm!

I taught two classes on making creative girl art quilts and created a better pattern and used Spoonflower for printing the faces.

I made stuffed creatures, bags, dresses, journals and fabric books. I love sewing!

I completed over 2 dozen throw size quilts allowing me to practice piecing and machine quilting.

I love patchwork and cannot wait to stitch even more quilts.

Art quilts and fabric books were published in magazines. I created cover art for a novel and matching pattern. I stitched lots of blocks for charity quilts and allowed myself to play whenever possible.

I am grateful that I can express my creativity and inspire others to do the same. I am grateful to have set goals and attained them. I am grateful that I began the journey to change my creative hobby into a tiny business.

I look forward to what the next year will bring.

5 Replies to “Reflections on 2012”

  1. Most awesome. Everyone should look upon the positive accomplishments of the past year. You have quite a few. Happy New Year.

  2. You have made some wonderful things this past year! Cheers and Happy New Year!

  3. wow! You’ve made so many amazing things – the art quilts are beautiful!

  4. Wow!Wow! What an awesome year of creativity you’ve had! Looking fwd to following you on this year’s journey. Totally inspired!
    Carry on and


  5. WOW! I just came across your site from google searching quilts made with scraps…

    I really love your little art quilts, they’re amazing!!!

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