Play Pretend

hello joy : : play pretend : : grateful heart : : happy life More notebook covers to inspire creative play and the capturing of joyful moment. Play pretend is resonating with me today – I’m pretending my husband and I are well and not waiting for our bodies to finish battling the virus that […]


A girl in a blue silk ball gown embellished with small jewel. She is featured on the tree fabric that inspired my fairy tale theme art quilt series. My favorite part of Cinderella is when she returns home just as the magic is wearing off. She only has memories of the evening and a secret […]

Snow White

After the Evil Queen picked an apple, it ended up in the hands of Snow White. She could not resist, she barely had a bite when she fell to the ground. Snow White (12” x 16”) This quilt spills past the background as Snow, post bite, lies on the floor. I contemplated a diptych for […]

Evil Queen

Most fairy tales have an evil queen or witch that causes the mischief that the heroine and/or hero must overcome (or succumb to if you read some of the original written tales). As such I thought my collection of art quilts warranted such a character, for the evil queens and witches in these stories go […]

Frog Prince

Creating the princess running away from the frog prince with her golden orb was such fun. The purple and gold fabric played so well with the green frog and the background. The Frog Prince (12” x 16”) The saying a directly from the tale:         the frog called after her, ‘stay princess and take me with […]