Creative Happy Girls

I like Cori Dantini’s work and love to use her fabrics (like those above) for notebook covers, quilts and other stitched creations. However, what is a girl to do when the fabric she orders didn’t get the black ink added (like those below)? I thought about contacting the shop I ordered from to request replacements, […]

Happiness is Being Together

I don’t have children, but my cats follow me around the house when I’m home. They don’t always need to cuddle, but they like being near and I enjoy having them around. Their cuteness while sleeping and antics while playing are inspiring. Happiness is being together (6” x 12”)

Reader Creativity

I love seeing quilters, artists and crafters creating pieces inspired by my patterns and creations. Kathy from Michigan has created quilts and mixed media art with my patterns. Kathy writes, “I had so much fun making these, it is like playing with paper dolls again, only with fabric… I have them on a shelf in […]