Glides with Joy

As I pulled into my driveway tonight I was greeted by my twinkle lights. I so enjoy seeing them in my windows. It was cold today and for a short while there was some light snow. She glides over ice with joy (8” x 11”) I wouldn’t likely glide with joy – I am not […]

Hockey is His Fun

My holiday lights are still on. I’m not alone, several of my neighbors have theirs on too! One of the fun things that the city does here is hot mop several of the frozen lakes so that people can ice skate or play hockey. Also the schools have basketball courts that double as hockey rinks […]

Skiing is Her Happy

The snow can be blinding when the sun is shining – so you need to wear shades! But you should definitely enjoy the air rushing past you as you head down the mountain. It’s ski season here so I’m trying to get more in the spirit – at least with my art. Pretty sure, I’d […]

Dances on Ice

I keep my colorful twinkle lights on well past the holiday season; so do many others in my neighborhood. It’s nice to see something cheerful in the dark. Now if only I could gracefully glide over the mushy, icy mess that is our sidewalks and parking lots like this girl does. She dances on ice […]