Dreams Grow

Purple hair!

Her dreams grow daily (6” x 9”)

Today’s question: Do you color your hair?

Me: sometimes – right now my last coloring has grown out

6 Replies to “Dreams Grow”

  1. Nope my hair is my natural color. I think I only dyed my hair 3 times in my life and it was a hassle to do. I personally think woman and men look best with their natural color.

  2. I’ve never coloured my hair but now it seems to be colouring itself!!!

  3. No I do not! I love the little orange tag!

  4. No ma’am. Although I will admit to missing the blonde hair of my youth, I can’t bring myself to recreate it artificially. Still, when I see pictures of myself now, especially taken from behind, I’m often shocked at how dark my hair is. In my head, I’m still blonde.

  5. Marjorie Nath says:

    Yes, in the last year it has been auburn, brown and red (I mean bright ruby red), but right now I had my DH buzz cut it all off at about 1/2 inch and I am back to what I think is my new natural of almost black with white. I started turning white when I was 20, my original natural color was auburn.

  6. No, my hair is natural blonde, and no traces of grey yet!!

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