8 Replies to “Art Show Photos”

  1. wow! your show looks fabulous, what a fun venue!

  2. Everything was lovely! Congrats!

  3. You have a ton of quilts! Wow they are all so beautiful too. They sure look fabulous on the wall. I bet you were thrilled to see them all.

  4. WOW!!! They look fantastic Carrie. How great to be able to have a venue that has the space to hang them all up together to admire your creativity!

  5. Christie says:

    They look great! Can’t wait to see them in person. One of my favorite places to eat!

  6. Oh, Bravo!!! That took so much WORK!!! Very impressive, and looks like a fun place to display them.
    Well done!

  7. How fun! What a great showing 🙂

  8. what an amazing art show! i just love your work.

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