Stitched Practice – May Giveaway 3

Update:  The winner is Anna!


It’s Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day and I’m celebrating.


I selected this piece to give away because one of my dreams came true this month – an art show.

Fabric scraps were layered on a piece of muslin and stitched, stitched, stitched. I added girl using a face and dress pattern found in a Creative Girl Art Quilt Pattern. I embellished the little practice piece with doodle stitching, buttons and ruffled scraps.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Leave me a comment before 5 p.m. PST on Friday, May 10th telling me about one of your big dreams. I’ll randomly select winners later that day.

I do usually respond to comments, but with the volume received for giveaway day, I apologize in advance that I am not able to do so.

Now go find other giveaways to win!

104 thoughts on “Stitched Practice – May Giveaway 3”

  1. Currently one of my big dreams is to live somewhere I don’t have to share a kitchen!

  2. I love it and want it so so much! thanks for the chance to win… I would love to have a little shop that sells hand made items.

  3. claire mccloskey

    My dreams have been fulfilled by having the 2 children I thought I’d never have. As a result of that I dream of an extra hour in te day!

  4. My dream would be to find a happy balance between family and creative time! This is beautiful, thanks for the chance to win it!

  5. I just received one of my big dreams, a new position at work (started today). Time to make a new dream 🙂

  6. One of my big dreams is to build an outdoor oven.
    mcintoshsusan at hotmail dot com

  7. I dream of quilting whether piecing , studying, hand quilting, or just touching the beautiful fabrics and threads.

  8. I really love this piece. I’m a follower and very impressed by your work. Congratulations on your recent art show!!

    Hmmm… a big dream of mine would be to overcome some big medical issues I’m currently experiencing.

  9. I love this piece and am so happy to have been introduced to your output. A big dream of mine would be to shift my workload so that I have more time for my children (and craft time).

  10. Beautiful piece, and huge congrats on your art show!!

    My big dream is to have balance in my life – better health and stability at work. I’m working on it.

  11. I dream of having at least one more family vacation with all 25 of us. We 3 generations have such a fun time together.

  12. I dream of living off the grid. If not off the grid then in a small energy efficient house that is super organized. We can all dream 🙂

  13. Congratulations on the art show! I would love to travel to Europe one day. Thanks for the chance at one of your lovely pieces!

  14. I dream of living in a newer house, one without all the headaches an older home brings. I love this art piece. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. I dream of moving to the country, buying a big farm house, raising chickens and goats, having a huge garden, making jam and canning veggies in my farmhouse kitchen and lots of time to sew all the projects and ideas in my head…someday…

  16. I love reading these comments! Right now, my big dream is to find a full-time job with bennies. I know, pretty lame!

  17. Thank you for the giveaway! My big dream is to own some sheep that I can shear and then spin their fleece into yarn on my spinning wheel.

  18. Hi-
    Your fabric scrap art is lovely. If I won it, I think I would make a pillow with it to keep on my special chair. My big dream is to write and illustrate children’s books someday. This scares me half to death, so I constantly need reminders to dream and this would be wonderful to have!

  19. Oh wow – I love this piece, along with all your work. One of my dreams is to be able to speak Indonesian better – would be very helpful as I live in Indonesia at the moment :-)Thanks for a lovely giveaway.

  20. Melissa Tanner

    I suppose one big dream is to finish all the projects I have collected over the years. Another may be to get my degree. Such a hard question. Thank you!

  21. I always dreamed of having kids. Although it took me a while my dream has come true and they are great!

  22. Congratulations on having an Art Show. Your work is really beautiful. I dream of being able to give up my day job and spend my days sewing quilts,blogging, gardening and cooking lovely food.

  23. The biggest dream I ever had took me years & years to see it come to fruition. It was so well worth the wait. My son who is Autistic was in special ed for the firs thalf of his schooling. I prayed and prayed that we would be able to get him a regualr education diploma not a certificate. It was a lot of work many many tears and tons of stress on us all. A fe failed classes and repeated classses. Extra assignments to get extra points in classes. Online classes also to supplement what he was doing in school. But he was able to graduate and march and receive his diploma last year. I cried like a baby sitting their watch him….If only people knew how hard we all had to work for him to get that diploma….Dreams can come true.

  24. My big dream is to convert ur attic into a huge room- to study, sew, my husband culd have his computers there too-we would all be together doing what we love

  25. One of my big dreams is to find a balance between working part time and raising my two kiddos (10 weeks and 3 years).
    Thank you for the chance to win! The piece is beautiful!
    Suzanne dot Jourdan at gmail dot com

  26. This is so lovely. My big dream is to quit my job and open up a yarn shop. Maybe someday! 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. My dream is to have a pattern published.. and for someone to buy it! Thanks for the giveawaay!

  28. My dream is to be succesfull with my sewn dolls and soft toys,so that I don´t have to do a job I don´t like. Than you for the chance to win this beautiful piece,which I love to frame in my Studio.

  29. Christine Sherman

    My dream is to have a fabric store. Online or brick and mortar, happy either way!

  30. One of my big dreams would be to go to Iceland to see the farmstead that my great grandmother was born at. One day I will get there!

  31. Over all I am quite happy with life. My husband and I share a dream of taking half a year off to go and travel around in the US. We did this in a Volkswagen camper before our daughter was born, we’d love to do it with her. I am quite sure that we will do this in the next three years or so 🙂

  32. We’re working on paying down our mortgage quickly so I’m dreaming of the day when it’s finally done. Thanks for hosting!

  33. Wow! Your work is so very cool!! I’m dreaming of entering a quilt at the Minnesota State Fair; I’ve always wanted to see some of my work there.

  34. {Jaw drops open} – wowzers. That is one amazing piece of art 🙂 Congrats on your show.

    My biggest dream is to have my own little shop where I sell gorgeous handmade items . It would have a little coffee shop, a book nook and a place to get creative. A sanctuary from a crazy live.

    Thank you for a great giveaway and the chance to win

  35. I have a dream…it’s a red door. I’ve always wanted a red door, can you picture it, with geraniums and begonias nestled up on the stoop, and a big ol’shade tree nearby.

  36. Your girls are so pretty, I’ve been following for a while just to look at all the ones you keep posting, so to win this would be fab! I can’t tell you the big dream, but this is a small one 😉 Thanks for the chance! 😀

  37. im currently dreaming of healthy eating habits for my family and a regular exercise routine for me .. all while still sewing regularly! thanks for a chance, your art show looks divine

  38. She’s beautiful!!! My big dream has already happened. I have a big beautiful home with a wonderful husband and a little boy and I get to be a stay at home mom and work on my crafting when I can. About 10 years ago I don’t think I could have even dreamed up a life this good for me. 🙂 Beyond that, maybe I’d like to be able to sell my crafts a little better than I do but over all I’m really blessed. If I had to pick something then my new big dream is to run a half marathon some day. (I started running just last January ^_^ )

  39. Lovely giveaway,thank you for the chance to win it.My big dream is to have our house and little dream is to go to the sea this summer.Have a lovely day.

  40. Candace Henderson

    this a beautiful piece I would be honored to have! I can only imagine what your art show would be like! thanks so much!

  41. I just love your work. I get to create every day so I have my dream. I create to please myself. I tried to sell things I made for years, I received a lot of compliments about my work and no sales. I guess some people can sell and others cannot. I am happy I am able to create.

  42. my big dream is to have enoug money to cut work and start a sewing life.
    I like your practice girl.

  43. I’d love to be able to get a larger space for my sewing/art studio, it’s getting a little claustrophobic in there at present.

  44. One of my dreams is to develop my style more, something that anyone could look at and know that I made it … hopefully in a good way, of course!

  45. My dream is to find myself again. I have been a homemaker to 4 beautiful children but I would love to get back into creating regularly…and an art show, that would be awesome, congrats to you!!

  46. a dream… to be a full year healthy! I’ve been having so many health challenges.. sick at least one week per month 🙁 To be healthy would be just amazing!

  47. My big dream is to own my own quilt shop. Maybe it will happen sooner than I thought. Congratulations on the art show! I am happy for you. 🙂

  48. That dream big panel is so lovely! I can think of several ways to use her in my home. thanks for the chance to win her. My biggest dream is to get well and get back to work in a role that I enjoy.

  49. Maureen Hayes

    I am currently moving, so I dream of being settled in my new place and happy!

  50. My big dream is a trip to the US west coast with my Mom! Thanks for the chance to win.

  51. My dream is to leave corporate life and running a fiber shop with my sisters. thank you.

  52. Right now I am dreaming about jogging a 5K without stopping. I know that has nothing to do with crafting sorry.

  53. I dream about moving to a house I can feel at home in and having a job that doesn’t feel like a ‘job’. Thanks for the chance! the7thsphere (at) gmail (dot) com

  54. I love your art! Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. My dream is retirement, so I can do more sewing and quilting.

  55. Dreams are important things- I am dreaming of a new house where everything is organized and beautifully painted. Perhaps one day before too long.
    Regards from Alberta,

  56. I love your art. Great job working on your dream. A dream of mine is to have a grand piano in a glass gazebo someday!

  57. Anna (sixtyfourcolorbox)

    I love this and is possibly my favourite giveaway! I have many big dreams. I’m currently working towards buying a house. Also, becoming an art teacher. I would love for my crafting abilities allow me to not have to teach for much longer.

  58. She is a sweetie! I am quite happy with my little family and modest home, I think I dream for more hours in the day and time passing much slower!

  59. One of my dreams is to make garden sculptures out of the scraps of wood and metal in my basement. Another is to teach and learn crafts from my Somali neighbors here.

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