Giveaway Day Winners!

Thank you all for your wonderful comments – I am touched by your words. I’m so glad I participated in the Sew,Mama,Sew! May Giveaway Day.

I will definitely be doing more giveaways – it’s fun to know my creations are going into appreciative hands. Check back soon for more inspiration and future giveaways.

Now for the winners:

‘She could see the possibilities’ will go to Amber:



‘She let her inner artist explore’ will go to Danielle:



Congratulations, Amber and Danielle! I’ll contact you for your addresses.

2 thoughts on “Giveaway Day Winners!”

  1. i think i’m going to be excited all day and while i anticipate receiving this beautiful quilt! thank you, thank you!

  2. Karyn Ashley-Smith

    Totally jealous. Never even made it here during the giveaway, but I’m following now! And, I’m signing up for the class. Can’t wait to see what else you create!

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