Makes Magic

“Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.” – Johann Wolfgang
She makes magic (9” x 13”)

For a giveaway entry, post a comment: tell me about a project you started recently (it doesn’t have to be sewing or quilting related).

6 thoughts on “Makes Magic”

  1. I started and just finished a handbag. I also started a fish extender for a friend at her request. I had to look that up as I didn’t know what it was, lol!

  2. I always seem to have one or a dozen projects I’m working on. My latest project that I completely finished was 2 days ago when I embroidered a kitchen towel and added a pretty border for a friend’s birthday gift. I’ve also recently gotten into painting rocks with colorful words and designs! (talk about addictive…)

  3. I just set aside all of my other projects and made a curvy log cabin table runner out of the the prettiest spring fabrics in my stash, for a dear friend who might appreciate some sunshine coming her way. It was so good to work on it for two days straight, thinking of her every minute.

  4. Besides my need to sew every day to “feel complete” I am learning how to use a smart phone!! Yes I am behind the times and just gave up a flip phone so I think this will be a big change in my life.

  5. I do some bookbinding too and I’m making a wedding book for my god daughter’s wedding next month!
    I love the pink tutu!!!

  6. I love all of the quotes you have been sharing! <3 My recently started project is a quilt. I love the colors and scrappy nature.

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