Finally Finished

Remember these quilts – Girl in Yellow and Girl in Green? I couldn’t decide if they were finished. Two years later, they are finally finished.

I gave myself a deadline and entered them into the annual quilt show my guild has. The quilts had to be finished by September 13th. I completed them a few days before the deadline.

Meet Happy Girl 1 and Happy Girl 2!
I noticed a few things as I finished the quilts and wrote this blog post.
1. My photography skills have improved in the last few years!
2. My quilting skills have improved in the last few years – the initial quilting wasn’t bad on these, I just do better now.
3. If I had the fabric, unassembled (not stitched together and quilted) I know what I would do differently to make these even better. Hindsight!

Now to find them a new home – over 3 years in my studio is too long!

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