Portrait of Dreamer


Portrait of a Dreamer (13” x 18”)

In 2007 I had the opportunity to take a narrative quilt making class with Kate Gorman. With fused fabric we constructed a quilt top. I loved my finished top – a self portrait, that I feared messing it up with the quilting. It took almost 5 years but I finally found the the confidence and courage to quilt it.


I’m so happy that I trusted my free motion quilting skills – the results are beautiful.


Now that this quilt is done, maybe I’ll try making another.

4 thoughts on “Portrait of Dreamer”

  1. Elizabeth McDonald

    Oh, good for you! I love the result — and I love the original applique, especially the hair! You are truly inspiring me!

  2. Isn’t if funny how our fears can stop us dead in our tracks only to finally step past that fear to find amazing? That is what you have created her an amazing piece of art.
    Off to do some beading, I’m still on vacation but had to post on this.

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