December Giveaway Day


She forgot her insecurities (8” x 10”)

The above quilt is a thread embellished print of a scanned painting that was printed onto cotton fabric. When creating the original painting, the words stuck with me and I spent most of 2011 letting go of insecurities and taking risks. It didn’t always work out well; there were tears and frustration. But overall, I’ve had an adventure, learned a lot and I’m thrilled with all that I’ve accomplished this year:

I feel like celebrating my successes and the timing of the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day is perfect.

One lucky reader will win the thread embellished print/art quilt above.

A second lucky reader will win a Creative Girl Faces & Dress Patterns mini kit with the dress pattern in 2 sizes, quilt instructions and 8 small and 4 large faces.


To enter the giveaway, leave a comment before 5pm Pacific time on Friday, December 16th telling me about one of your favorite successes of the past year.

I’ll randomly select the 2 winners (one for the quilt and one for the kit) on Saturday.

Be sure to visit Sew Mama Sew to find all giveaways this week.


220 thoughts on “December Giveaway Day”

  1. Carey ~ Gypsy Thread

    One of my biggest successes of 2011 has been opening a lil’ Etsy shop. My goal was to be able to have my hobby pay for itself and I’ve succeeded. (yay me!) This has only been made possible because of another great success, finding a fabulous doctor who is helping me make positive steps forward with my neurological pain disorder/disease… RSD/CRPS. Both are achievements I would not have thought possible last year.

  2. My biggest success, is having my second daughter. It took 9 days of labor, and a c-section, so it was quite an undertaking 😉

  3. One of my favourite successes this year has been to take online classes in a variety of media.
    Due to the fact that I have enjoyed them so much, I am now out of control and taking many more. It’s a good thing.

  4. I’m not sure if this is my success, but this year I got my first child (a daughter) through the college selection process, graduate from high school and off to college. I think the success was learning to let go…

  5. I have worked very hard this year at decluttering in all aspects of my life. Still have a way to go, but being finished isn’t required for being successful.

  6. My favorite success… I work one on one with students with learning differences. My favorite successes are theirs!

  7. This year was a big year as my husband and I worked hard to finally integrate his daughter (from a previous relationship) into our families – despite the fact that she, our families, and we are in three distant states from each other. We had her visit for a month this summer, and visit back to the home state, and meet a lot of family she had never met before. It was a very loving and heartwarming experience… with lots of emotional impact.

  8. It’s beautiful. And my favorite success this year is this: My daughter challenged me to read 50 books in 2011, and I am only three books away (with plenty of time left!)

  9. My biggest success quilting wise this year was finishing a king-size quilt for my bed…it had been mocking me for over a year sitting next to the sewing machine.

  10. Wow! Your work is gorgeous! I don’t know if I could make anything that beautiful.

    I completed a few quilts this year…that is an accomplishment for me. I’m fairly new to this whole quilting bit and I am glad to have some experience under my belt! Thanks for a chance to win!

  11. My biggest success this year was getting my oldest kid through college. Woo hoo!! One down, two to go.

  12. I am entering this year with the goal to let go.
    I worry about things that are not in my hands to
    control and hold on to things that are better
    free. And scared of failing, so I dont try things
    that I really want to do.
    Wow that was hard to just say out loud in
    public. Wish me luck i’m going to need it.
    Thank you for including me in your give way.

    now to go wander around your site.
    Have a lovely day

  13. The biggest success of my year (life) has been the birth of my son and being the best mum I can be.
    you are such a talent. thank you for sharing

  14. You know, I keep a list of my “accomplishments” on my computer, including what crafts I have done, what books I have read, and things we do around the house. Even with this list I can’t tell you what I feel I have succeeded with. Hm. Something to reflect on. Thank you.

  15. What a lovely quilt! I love the threadpainting. I’ve added your blog to my google reader. Thank you for the fun giveaway. My biggest success in the past year was finishing a bunch of UFOs that had been languishing for several years!

  16. I read the book ‘Do Hard Things’ by Alex and Brett Harris, and realized that fear of rejection was holding me back from being a better friend. I’ve been trying to reach out more.

  17. thank you for a chance to win such a beautiful giveaway! This year I moved in with my sister who has cancer..I have learned to live each day and appreciate each of life’s moments…

  18. One of my biggest successes was to finish a bed size quilt and learn how to long arm. I am still a beginner but at least I have started. Congratulations on all your successes this year. Merry Christmas. Your doll quilt is beautiful.

  19. Success? I stood up for myself and didn`t let myself to be bullied into venture that wouldn`t have brought any money for me but for the other person yes.

  20. One of my successes was getting the siding re-done on the back of my house. The original siding was falling down. Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. I would say my biggest success this year was sticking to my New Year’s 2011 resolution to NOT buy any new clothing. I didn’t! Which was really hard considering I came back from living abroad and none of my clothing fit nor was it “fashionable” but I made do!

  22. Our 3rd child was born this year. So my success has been balancing being a mother of three – especially when it comes to preparing dinner meals. I’ve started planning our meals a week at a time – a lot of them use the crock pot, to save time in the afternoon. My parents stayed with us this summer and they were impressed with my dinner making skills, so that made me proud. I also started price matching at Walmart this year, so that has saved us quite a bit in the grocery budget too. We’ve stuck to using cash in envelopes all year. 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. So very sweet and lovely!!! Faces are so hard, I think, so this would be a great prize! And how I love the letting go of insecurities. I am very proud of my self for getting better and not staying attached to the catastrophe lane stories I used to jump to when in stressful situations. Yeah me!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!!

  24. I completed my first ragged edge quilt! I used fabric I’ve been dragging around for over a decade (ahem) thinking ‘I’ll get to that someday!’ So, I guess it’s finally ‘someday…’

  25. wow..this is a beautiful quilt!! My great success is that my family is happy, healthy, and well-rounded…raising three kids is HARD!! 🙂 Thanks for the chance, have fun with your giveaway!

  26. I can’t believe you are giving this beauty away. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win it. My success this year isn’t as lofty of some!…just learning to foundation piece was a big one for me!

  27. Amazing! The kit is so cute too. great idea. I have had a long and hard year but many successes as a result. I now have the chance for safety and happiness! So thankful.

  28. My favorite success was starting and maintaining a healthy relationship and creating more time to spend with my daughter.

  29. My biggest accomplishment this long past year has been going with myself instead against myself, in developing my visual language, and coming up with new uses for my fused paper works. I am really looking forward to seeing what the next year brings. Your blog and work is very inspirational!

  30. My biggest success this year is not listening to people when they say “oh, you have a kid…You’ll just have to give up crafting now”. It’s been challenging, but I’ve been able to feed my creative side without neglecting my little girl. This art piece would be the perfect piece of inspiration to help me when I’m working in my craft cave!

  31. My biggest accomplishment of the past year was getting through some tough times at work. Not only did I make it through, but I came out a stronger person and better employee.

  32. My great success of the decade is completeing my first full year of grad school. Didn’t think I could it post 50. Gray and mighty.

  33. That’s a crazy accomplishment! Kudos to you. I’m new to quilting, so my biggest accomplishment is finishing a quilt in time for a friend’s kid’s 1st birthday. I hope she’ll grow up to love it.

  34. Wow, gorgeous work!!

    I’ve built up my business a LOT this year, and I’m really excited about it. I finally feel like I can call myself a professional artist instead of just someone who has art as a hobby!

  35. My biggest accomplishment has been supporting my 10 year old through Distance Education this year, and helping him deal with his behaviour problems.

  36. My biggest success working with Elijah to get him to eat… After several undertakings we still struggle with daily eating.

  37. My biggest success has been working towards improving my health. There’s still a long ways to go, but I know I’ve been getting better and that’s a huge thing.

    This is such a great giveaway!

  38. Love! If I were to win only one thing, it would be your art quilt! This year has been about gaining my confidence back and shedding insecurities as well. Very nice work and I will be keeping up with your future work!

  39. Vanessa Bershatsky

    Biggest accomplishment for the year was giving birth to my 2nd child and daughter on Oct 3rd. Today’s big accomplishment is getting a shower before 9am! 🙂

  40. I did my first table at a bazaar this last year – that was a huge success of handmade proportions – something I never thought would happen. I remember your quilt from the last give away – gorgeous stuff!!!

  41. Elizabeth McDonald

    My biggest success of the year seems to be very late in the year. I have finally realized –perhaps for the second time — that I really like to create small, intricate pieces. I have had a great time exploring your blog, and I love “She Dreamed Out Loud.”

  42. Congratulations on meeting so many milestones this year–you’ve accomplished a lot! I hope that the new year brings you increased love, prosperity, and creativity!!

  43. My biggest success was finishing a sampler that I started back in 1998. It wasn’t difficult work, but I am glad to have finally found the drive to finish it up. Your work is beautiful, I enjoyed finding your blog last time around and this time your work is just as stunning!

  44. wow, beautiful! Congrats on your many successes!
    My biggest success this year was starting a successful cleaning business that allows me to still be home when my kids are!

  45. congratulations!!
    hmm, i think teaching myself to sew and making clothes for my son.
    thanks for the giveaway!

  46. Oh I love that and as much as I would love to keep it (if I won) I would gift it to a friend of mine who really needs something like that to keep her inspired and positive about some things going on in her life right now.
    My big success this year was building my business up by 92% alone and with no help from outsiders, other than of course my customers. This has enabled me to stay home for my kids and pay for things like Christmas, it feels great 🙂
    sperryforlife[at]comcast[dot] net

  47. One success of this year was to finish two quilts before the couples got married. This is a first for me. I am good at starting, but not always finishing, projects. Love the beautiful quilt and thank you for sharing about letting go of insecurities.

  48. Cool give away! Love it.

    My success was getting my house organized!!!

    Which led to more sewing because I could find things. 🙂

  49. One of my biggest accomplishments this year was making my first quilt, a baby quilt for my daughter born last month. 🙂 thanks for the chance to win!
    okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com

  50. After a year of unemployment I went back to school. I graduated in April with a diploma in Construction Engineering and a 3.7 out of 4 cumulated grade point average.

  51. My favorite success this past year was finishing the prerequisites for nursing school and getting onto the waiting list for nursing school!

  52. My favorite success of this year was getting my 8 month old to finally sleep through the night!!

    Merry Christmas!

  53. It’s hard to choose- this past year has been full of so many great new things! I think finding a job that I love, where I am valued and appreciated, is definitely one of the best successes though!

  54. My favourite successes of the past year are both academic: the first was seeing my daughter off to her first year of university in the fall. The second occurred just this past weekend when I finished the final paper of the final course in my Master of Education degree!

    Awesome giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  55. My favorite success would have to be starting a running program with a neighbor. I feel so much better and sleep so much better now that I’m exercising regularly. Thanks.

  56. My biggest success is making the decision to go back to school and changing my career choice from teaching to paralegal studies. It will be a hard road, but one that eventually will make our lives better!

  57. Today my 5 year old son danced in his school talent show alone to Michael Jacksons Beat It song. The whole school was screaming and clapping and he had so so so much fun. I think as a parent that is a success. To watch him enjoy the stage and have the time of his life!!

    xo Steph

  58. My biggest success this past year was sticking with my job after my company was sold on December 31st. Over the year my position has changed 3 times, the office moved but I can say I am happy to still be there!

  59. I free motion quilted…and it didn’t look half bad!! I was so stupidly proud of myself, lol


  60. Jennifer Wingard

    My biggest success of this past year was learning to walk again after a pretty bad foot injury. I still hobble but it’s movement on my own two feet, so it’s cause for celebration in our house. Next year, I’m working on building up to a slow jog, then maybe a marathon since my doctor told me I’d never run again.

  61. My hugest accomplishment of 2012 is accepting a position at a school full time. I am enjoying being at work, making adult friends, and being with the kiddos each and every day. :o)

  62. I love your quilt, and it’s so fitting to the year I’ve had. If I don’t win it, I hope you won’t mind if I use it as inspiration for my own piece.

    I somehow forgot to be afraid of so many things in my sewing this year and it’s amazing what I’ve accomplished. I made the bridesmaids dresses for my sisters wedding out of 4-way stretch fabric and I now FMQ (and I’m not just talking about loops and meandering).

    I truly believe that when we forget to be insecure, we are able to shine the way we were meant to. Sorry for the rant . . . and thanks for the opportunity to win.

  63. I delivered my fourth little girl, started a blog and improved our family life! It’s been a great year!

  64. My biggest and most rewarding success was marrying my love on 02.05.2011! It is so hard to believe it has been one year already (almost!) We are now expecting a baby in April or May 2012! Another last success, was making it through my first year of teaching, summer school teaching, and now the first half of my second year of teaching. Praise the LORD! 🙂

  65. What a lovely giveaway. Congratulations on your success! My favorite success from last year was becoming a grandmother for the eighth time.

  66. My biggest success was keeping off the 15lbs I had lost the previous year. Next year I hope to succeed by keep moving!

  67. I guess my biggest success was designing and knitting a wedding shawl/veil for a friend. Pretty proud of that, and the re-do of it that I made for me won Best in Show at our county fair.

  68. I learned Adobe Illustrator and created a poster for a local theater group! Actual art! All over town, yay me!

  69. My biggest successes for the year are that I’m entering my last year of grad school (and got 8 publications to print this year) and I’m starting my own software company. Pretty big year for me, and I too, feel like I’ve learned to let go of a lot of insecurities. Your art really speaks to me, thank you for the chance to win it. 🙂

  70. Your quilt is amazing! My greatest success this year has been reclaiming my personal confidence. It’s been a long road, but I’m finally back to where I should be!

  71. Wow what an unusual quilt, so pretty and unique and I love the fact there is a chance to make your own if you win. My biggest success is managing to find the time to do any sewing or blogging as I have a 1 year old and a 2 year old. Oh and finally feeling happy about moving to Australia!

  72. Mon grand succés de l’année est de profiter de chaque instant de la vie. Votre cadeau est merveilleux. Puis je participer ? Joyeux Noël

  73. My favourite success of the year has been a small felt hare – I’d never used felt before and I’m keen to try some more felt projects.

  74. My favourite success of the year has been a small felt hare – I’d never used felt before and I’m keen to try some more felt projects.

  75. this is too too cute!!!!! I’ve been making quilts for “Quilt of Valor” for the last few years, sends quilt to wounded service people, I made my 25th this fall, a great feeling!!!!!

  76. At the moment, the only success I feel I have had is conquering binding on a table runner! I’m sure I must have had more successes over the year, but it doesn’t feel like it right now!

  77. one of my successes from the last year.. i learned how to do paper piecing, and now it’s one of my favourite techniques!

  78. One of my successes this year was finally finishing a modern quilt that I started last year. I had SO much trouble with it but was determined to finish the darned thing. I did it! Whew!

  79. One of my successes this year is that I became Board Certified in Gerontological Nursing.
    Your art quilt is spectacular and I’m so happy for your successes this last year too. Very deserving from what I can see!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  80. Candace Henderson

    this is an unbelievable giveaway! I think this is one of the most beautiful giveaways that I have ever seen! I am amazed at how perfect it is and that you would give it away! I thank you for a wonderful giveaway and I would be super excited to win either!!!

    My biggest success this year was buying my first, and hopefully last, house!!!!!

  81. I love your quilts! This one is great. I have been letting go too. I haven’t’ let anything hold me back this year. And next year is going to be better!

  82. What a gorgeous quilt – a iece of art 🙂 Every woman should have one so that she can take risks like you did. It reminds me of my favourite quote by Anais Nin : “and the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”. I have that on a mixed media canvas on my wall 🙂

    Thank you for a great giveaway.


  83. Learning to make and apply bias tape. I just finished an apron as a gift and it’s way cuter than the one I attempted for myself last year.

  84. My biggest success hmmm…. probably raising my two gorgous boys 🙂

    I think this is my favourite of all the giveaways!

  85. Well my kids are all healthy and happy and doing well, this is quite a sucess considering all the violence and hate in the world so i am happy to have this!

  86. My greatest success this year was pushing my regular doctor and neurologist to send me to someone else who finally knew what was going on with me. Now five months later, I’m getting my life back! I’ll never be free of this stuff, but it’s just “life altering” not “life threatening”. I’m back to work and back to sewing. I’m getting back to ME and that’s something wonderful.
    Enjoy every moment of your life!

  87. I like the way you have mixed the materials here, and the final product looks fantastic. Also I appreciate the message on this specific quilt. I need to let go of my insecurities too!
    Success: My boy was born this year and is a healthy little one.

  88. Great question, so positive. My favorite success of the last year was learning new sewing skills–I can now sew in a circle (such as the seam around a Christmas stocking). Whole new worlds have opened up!

  89. My greatest achievement this year was getting out and running. I have always had trouble even with a mile but set a goal to run a 1/2 marathon and I did it. Not only that but did it 2 times and also did the run for the fallen heros.
    So that was my biggest success, but there were many others as I did my first quilt with out using a pattern and just going with my ideas.
    And I love this quilt you are an inspiration!!!

  90. Oh I absolutely love this, I need to remember that sentiment. Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

    My greatest achievement was leaping into sewing, both dressmaking and quilting, around the time of the last SMS giveaway. I’ve met so many inspirational people who don’t entirely think my creativity sucks (or they’re keeping quiet if they do ;o) )

  91. The message of your artwork warms my heart. I grew up such an insecure person and feel like I have come so far, and then those insecurities will rear their ugly heads again once in a while. I can’t think of anything big over the course of last year, but I’m growing all the time and getting over hurdles, little by little. I’m not who I used to be, praise God!

  92. One of my successes is learning more patience (still not perfect) with my children and to be content and realize how blessed I really am.

  93. LOVE the embellished quilt! I really really love the saying-amazing job. Congrats on all of your successes for the year! One of my successes this year? Probably opening an etsy shop as well-I opened it last year but I have been working on slowly building it this year-slowly for sure.

  94. A success this year would be raising our two year old son. He is happy and healthy.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  95. My biggest success was learning how to step back and let my teenager learn her own life lessons instead of interjecting my opinions of what she should be doing. AND to let her drive my car when she got her driver’s license this year without having a heart attack! =)

    Thank you for this lovely give a way!

  96. Love your quilt! One of my successes this year was being able to complete all the handmade projects I had planned for our daughter’s outdoor wedding. It was a lovely wedding and she was a beautiful bride.

  97. I love the quilt. My sucess was hearing my college daughter say..I never realized we were poor when I was growing up. I never wanted her to deal with the adult problems we were having. I wanted her to be a kid. Mission accomplished.

  98. oh, this is lovely. i’d say that letting go of insecurities was one of my sucesses, but really, it’s more of an ongoing theme in my life!

    i’d say my biggest success was being invited to contribute to a juried art show, and the huge interactive art quilt that i made for the show. i need to start planning a piece for next year’s show!

  99. Gorgeous art! Would absolutely love to win this! My biggest success this year has been to lose 51 lbs. and thus become healthy again. I feel fabulous!

  100. biggest success is having aa beautiful son, and ive made him diapers, shoes, coats, ahhh he’s just turning one yikes it flies

  101. Probably my greatest success this year was not going nuts worrying about my husband’s safety while he was climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. Oh, and I lived through another year( this makes 8) since my daughter died.

  102. My biggest success this year was being present for my daughter as she struggled with anxiety and depression. My creative endeavors made it easier.

  103. I am happy that I got a new job and my husband and I have been able to start the journey to owning our own home.

  104. beautiful work!
    i finished my first quilt this year…it was only a baby quilt, but it made me realize i can do this “thing” that i love.
    thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  105. gorgeous work.
    success for the year? i thhink i found my ‘groove’ in quilting…no patterns, just sew. Took some classes with Gwen Marston and found lots of confidence in my work. no pattern, just sew. thanks for a chance!

  106. Congratulations on your successes! I would count my daughter’s wedding as one of my successes! I’m so proud of the woman she has turned into.

  107. Accomplishing a dream and producing my own range of simple womens patterns which I am selling commercially…it’s baby steps in the right direction!

  108. My success this year has been having the courage to join a site where I can swap handmade items with other bloggers and to have the courage to accept that what I make is good enough

  109. My favorite success this past year was “growing” into a semi-retirement. It isn’t necessarily as easy as it might seem. However, my boys are grown, gainfully employed, beginning families. My husband also beginning semi-retirement. It is a whole new world!

  110. My biggest success this year was simply making it through the year with our home in tact. It’s not been a very easy year financially but going back to basics (and only neccessities) we have been able to make it through. Lots o’ beans & rice and oatmeal around here!

  111. I would hang that quilt in my bedroom as inspiration.

    One of my successes of 2011 was giving birth to my 3rd child.

  112. A couple of big things happened this year, I turned 40 in July and competed in my first ever Triathlon. It has taken me around 6 years to pick up the courage to actually make it happen, I now have another planned for February. Mx

  113. My biggest success this year was going into a classroom as a beginning teacher where the students had already chased away 4 different teachers in 2 1/2 months and surviving, lol.

  114. First of all, adorable piece of art. How can you part with it???
    One of my biggest successes this year was to not freak when my son started to drive. I pray for his safety but I can’t be there to protect him. Hard for mama to let go…..

  115. what beautiful art! thanks for the giveaway! This year, I successfully became a mom to three…it’s hard work!

  116. Wow I love the art print. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all let go of our insecurities? My biggest success of the year has probably been getting a significant raise at work at a time when money is tight 🙂

  117. I love your work. My biggest success this year is working to overcome postpartum depression. I still have a long way to go, but things are definitely looking up!

  118. I love this art quilt. So powerful. my favourite success–making through 2 very trying and difficult times and not succumbing to a deep depression that could have swallowed me whole after 2 very tragic deaths.

  119. “She forgot her insecurities” I like that and I get it. I have had a year like that…I’m on my own now and doing great. I’m not afraid to try anything anymore.

  120. My best achievement this year is finally looking for work after 3 years of being unemployed and sick. Had 2 interviews so far, no job offer yet, but good practice.

  121. My biggest success this year is staying sane! We had our third child in Jan. putting our count at 3 kids ages 9, 2 and 11 months. I’m amazed I make it through the day and some days I even finish sewing projects which I just started this year. Your work is very inspirational to me.

  122. My best success this year is feeling better! I have had a hard year with lots of medication switching, but I’m better!

  123. Oh, was so impressed with your beautiful work that I forget to tell you about my success … well, it is hard to say. Maybe letting go of my old job – does that count? I would really like to say “figuring out what comes next” … but as I have not done that really I can not say that. 😉 But I have learned and still learn that many things that used to be important to me really are not important at all. That sometimes it is okay to just start walking into a direction without really knowing what will happen next …
    Sound very vague I guess. But I really do not know how to put it into words better!


    Ms Muffin

  124. My favorite success is teaching my first floral arranging class. I had applied to teach balloon decor and when I went to interview they wanted to add the floral arranging since that’s what I got my certificate of completion in. I was nervous about up until after the first class. I’m a lot more confident now because of it.

  125. What a wonderful work of art. I absolutely love it! My greatest success this year has been becoming more outspoken and assertive.

  126. Delores Pederson

    What a beautiful quilt! My exciting accomplishment this year is the transformation of one of the bedrooms into a sewing room. It is now my favorite room in the house!

  127. One of my favourite success this past year was learning to love sewing and making time to work on my knitting and crocheting and giving some of my projects to charity.

  128. My biggest success this year is the fact that I have been in remission for my longest time frame ever… chemo for the past 18 months!! I am so excited to be able to acknowledge that I haven’t been sick or in the hospital in that length of time. That beautiful art is all about me. Thanks for the op to win

  129. My favorite success of this year was buying my first house. A great 1935 farm house on 3 acres in Missouri. Bigger bonus, we paid cash so NO mortgage payments, ever!!!!

  130. that quilt speaks to me on so many levels. it’s amazing what we can accomplish when we let go of insecurity.

    my biggest success of the year was having a 100% natural, unmedicated birth for my second daughter. it was the best experience of my entire life. so incredibly healing, transformative and empowering.

    thanks for the chance to win!

  131. Beautiful and creative.
    hmmm…takes one a minute to think. I would say this year a big success in my life is holding onto memories and people in my heart while letting go of things. Still letting go, but grateful for the heart change.
    Thank you!

  132. Possibly the biggest success all year was letting go of useless fears and need to control. It’s simply not possible to control anything other than our own thoughts and actions. Realizing that (and putting it into action) brings an amazing level of peace! Thanks for the giveaway. That block is beyond gorgeous.

  133. Super fun giveaway! This year, I ventured out into the world of auctions. Bidding had been such a scary thing for me before! But now I can do it! Thank you for the chance to win — I would love that little fabric art piece of yours!!

  134. Favourite success? Finally finding a wedding date! (It really was a success as I have a crazy mother who is v superstitious and every date we chose happened to be ‘bad luck’ days!)

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