She let the world see her love

She let the world see her love (8.5” x 11.5”)

I had no plans when I walked into my studio. My machine was threaded with pink thread, the bobbin near empty. I thought I should stitch a little something with it. I grabbed the gray fabric strips thrown haphazardly in a basket and began stitching.

The pink bobbin now spent, what next?

I glanced around at the mess and spied an unfinished mixed media canvas with bits of blue and red fabric scraps laid atop it. The gray matched perfectly. I found the faces I’d printed recently along with a new pattern for larger creative girls.

Not all of my creative endeavors come together so well or so quickly but sometimes an art quilt just wants to be done!

1 thought on “She let the world see her love”

  1. wow Carrie, you’ve been on a creative (and ruffled!) roll lately!
    This art quilt definitely has a special fancifulness to it!♥

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