Projects for Home


We need a chair for our living room and cannot decide on what to buy. If one of us lays on the couch, the other is on the floor. To make the floor more comfy and colorful, I made 3 floor pillows each 27” x 27”. The Anna Maria Horner fabrics are perfect here and make a nice addition to our room.



Since taking down the spring decoration on our front door, I needed something for summer. This wreath is made from a wire frame and fabric. No glue was used. Strips of green fabric are tied to the frame and woven through it or wrapped around it. The flowers are strips of fabric coiled and pinned to wreath.


Also, my notebook is still lost. *sadness* I haven’t had the heart to pull out a new one, but it may be time.

1 thought on “Projects for Home”

  1. sorry to hear bout your notebook. I was just checking in to see if it appeared last night.
    the pillows look fabulous & happy!

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