Lost Notebook

Lost: Black Moleskine cashiers notebook with Kelly Rae Roberts magnetic book mark on the front cover. Contains correspondence, magazine and newspaper clippings, project ideas and tutorials that I hoped to try.

Last seen: In my bag at guild meeting Jul 7th

Contact: Desperate Artist

Reward for safe return

If I could post such an ad, I would.

I’ve torn my home apart searching for my notebook. It’s not here!

You may wonder why it took so long to realize the loss. I don’t use it my notebook every day – more like once a week when I add all the snippets I’ve amassed in one sitting. It’s my fourth such notebook and I find them invaluable. Saturday was the day I wanted to paste things into the notebook. It was no where to be found.

Every hour or so yesterday, I would pause my quilt project and then check and recheck every room, every under/behind place it could have fallen or been shoved. I’ve taken a flashlight out to the car (3 times). I emptied the giant recycle bin in the garage in case it got knocked into a recycle container by the cats and I checked the trash cans.

I don’t recall removing it from bag when I emptied it on Friday Jul 8th. I had taken books and quilts for show and tell and received a few things to take home. It’s possible the notebook is still at our meeting location having fallen out of my bag (I’ll scour the room for it this Thursday) or maybe one of the cats knocked it into the trash and it was taken out for collection on the 11th.

Last night I had frantic dreams of my notebook being held hostage.

I feel lost without it.

4 thoughts on “Lost Notebook”

  1. OH, I can hear your urgency; so sorry this happened to you!
    Hostage dream could mean that someone is holding on very tightly to it, waiting to return it to you!
    I will send guides to help you find it. My grandmother Kathryn always leads me to lost items so I will ask her to help also. Sit down, take a deep breath, and become clam. Ask Kathryn to help you find your notebook. Then listen. A picture of a place may come to mind. Start in that place. It could be there or perhaps there is something that will lead you to where you need to go. Any place that crosses your mind to look, look there! Even if you have looked before, look again. STay clam and you will have a sense of what you’re supposed to be seeing.
    I lost my passport for 2 months. Looked everywhere. Then I asked for help and wha-la, I had it the next day–it was between the seats of my car. I have no idea how it got there. none. But I followed the clues I was given and that’s where I ended up.
    The notebook will come back to you–there is too much energy attached to it for it to just be gone.

  2. I am so sorry that you have lost that! When I read your post, I got that hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach that I always get when I lose something of my own. I can read how much that notebook means to you!!!! I really hope you can find it! Let us know if you do! Good Luck!!!!

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