Goodbye 2005

2005 has passed and there are phoots of projects that I just haven’t posted and likely won’t.

Did I make my 2005 goal of creating 7 things a week? Technically no. On average the number of actual tangible items that I created was about 5.5 per week.

My actual production of craft items went downhill with the stress of losing Pounce, taking on a part time job, planning a wedding, becoming Mrs. Carrie Payne, quitting my full time job, packing, moving, unpacking, hating my new apartment, becoming a resident of a new state, finding a full time job, realizing it wasn’t the right one for me and quitting, finding a better new job that I enjoy, adopting two new kittens, discovering my way around a new city, making new friends, determining it’s okay to quit my part time job so I can have more time for me, visiting family for the holidays, and learning that home can be found in my apartment with its postage stamp sized kitchen.

As I’ve pondered my accomplishments of the past year, the 285 craft projects completed combined with successfully managing to handle each of the stressors above, I did create 365 things in my life during 2005. Some are more tangible than others, but each item created allowed me to learn more about myself.

1 thought on “Goodbye 2005”

  1. (((((Carrie))))) I just came to find you as we have all missed you so very much so I decided to come find you and leave you a huge hug. Know that you are missed and loved in the sanctuary. Your creativity is very inspiring to me and I love coming here and just strolling around and looking at all your fabulous creations. Hugs and love to you dear one.

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