We are here in Cincinnati. Our place looks like a tornado went through. It was a hard move – harder than the last (4 years ago). We threw out lots of junk and clutter as we packed, but not enough! The unpacking goes slow.

We unloaded the truck on Saturday and by the time people (including us) got the stuff up the stairs and in the apartment it all just landed in the living room. Saturday night we drove back to Indy to clean out our old apartment. We spent the night on a air mattress, not sleeping well and then got up early on Sunday to clean. We made it back to Cincinnati around 11pm and crashed.

Troy sorted while I went to a job interview on Monday. The sorting continued when I returned and some unpacking happened. We’ve not stopped unpacking since. We’ve made a few stops – transferred car and renter’s insurance, purchased a microwave, another interview, found the grocery store, etc. The majority of apartment is unpacked, except decorations and the studio/office (but the office/studio has the most junk). It could be worse – heck it’ll probably get worse before it gets better!

The job interviews went well. At one I was told the decision was 10 days to 2 weeks away – but it’s an hour drive each way! At a different interview, I was told they were going to make an offer. I got the offer – the lowest salary I’d had in 6 years – seriously the offer was given in $$$ per week, not even yearly salary. I was disappointed, frustrated and called to ask if the salary was negotiable. It wasn’t. I guess the benefits were to supposed to suck me in – but really I can’t live on at least 10K less than I’ve been making. So I declined stating that salaries for administrative jobs have an average salary of closer to XX and I’d been making ZZ. I don’t regret turning down the offer but darn it was nice to think I had a job for a day and not have to worry anymore.

So now the job prospects are nill, I’m stressed about that, the office is barely functional – so I guess the BIG job search including lists of temp agency stops will happen this weekend.

I hate moving! I hate unpacking!

4 thoughts on “”

  1. Just dropped by to see you’d moved in OK –
    Happy New Home!
    Try not to worry about the job situation, the right thing will come along……maybe if you temp for a while you could build up your own creative business at home?
    love n hugs, Carole

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