Week 10 Creations

I did finish 7 projects this week, unfortunately I only have 6 photos to share!

Booklets bound and packaged for a women’s change history postcard exchange. Each participant created 12 postcards and a cover, I sorted them all out and bound up booklets. Since only 10 people participated, I also created mini-versions for each person to mail to a friend. As pictured below.
Three Fishy theme creations for a Nervousness swap. A small art quilt!
A unorthodox needle case.

A small fish softy toy.

60 fat book pages. I liked the silver buttons I found and new they would embellish the page perfectly!

I also spent a few hours formatting a book with iPhoto about my nephew for my brother and sister-in-law. I can’t wait for it come back from the printer. I’ll get a few pictures then, I promise.

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