Another Yellow Bike

It’s been raining for a week now – not weather for enjoy the ride on a bicycle.
Yesterday, I was stuck in my car for almost an hour – waiting for roadside assistance and then waiting another 3.5 hours for a repair. A wet bike adventure might have been preferred, especially because I missed a quilt guild meeting. Why do cars break down at the most inconvenient of times.
I was glad to crash on my couch when I finally made it home as car frustrations seem to sap all of my energy.
Yellow Bike 2 (14” x 10”)
Today is a new day with adventures awaiting. Maybe not the stitching fun I thought I might get to, but the catching up on things I couldn’t do yesterday adventure.

2 thoughts on “Another Yellow Bike”

  1. Love the wildflowers in the back of the bike! So beautiful! Sorry to hear about your car breaking down. 🙁 At least it isn’t snowing yet.

  2. Missed you at the meeting …. I did get your piece of tarp and have pictures of the challenges. Actually, more challenges completed from the bear paw block than I have seen in a few years. Some folks really had some fun ideas. I’ll bring camera and tarp to Monday’s modern group meeting.

    Love the bike and sorry that the car had issues at such a bad time.

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