
In late 2014, I was asked to create several art quilts for a local residential treatment facility. The work they do is familiar, similar to my first job out of college at a children’s home for abused and/or delinquent kids. Color on the walls is wonderful for both the kids there and the adults working with them.

While visiting local shops for inspiration, I found this poppy fabric and thought the happy red-orange would be great for a quote on happiness.
I layered white fabric on the batting and then applied fusible webbing to poppy fabric. I cut away some of the pattern at the top to make room for the quote. I quilted vertical lines with gray thread and quilted around each flower and down each stem. I then stitched the words. I had written them on paper to know the layout, but put my needle in place and went for it on the quilt.
happiness is found when the heart and mind begin to believe in the soul’s dreams (16” x 23”)

2 thoughts on “Happiness”

  1. Very nice piece of artwork for the walls to help residents know there is color in the world. Love the gray thread using for quilting.

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