3 thoughts on “Quilts in Progress – Adding a Boy 1”

  1. I remember a while back you sent off and had some fabric printed/made but not sure how far back and I’d love to give this a go and see how I like it, so can I get the name of this place pretty please. I can’t sew yet shoulder will be immobile for another 8 weeks, seems like forever.


  2. Hey do you mind people trying to replicate your stuff just for personal use in quilts? I don’t know if I even could but love your work. Just an inquiring mind wanting to know. I am trying to put together some people for a quilt —just in the shape of stars–but I am not thrilled with the result.

  3. never mind I just saw you sell the pattern…I am going to check out what else you have available but will definitely be buying a pattern.

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