Where does the time go?


This was my view during most of my crafting time this week. I have been selecting photos and writing/editing all week.

Other highlights from this week include my cat getting stuck inside our 65 gallon recycle bin – she couldn’t jump out one she jumped in and watching my husband try on hats while shopping for a new jacket.

wpid-IMG_1125-2013-03-10-11-46.jpg wpid-IMG_1131-2013-03-10-11-46.jpg

I will returned to my quilts in progress later today; I’m very excited to finish this set of large art quilts and tackle a few more.

1 thought on “Where does the time go?”

  1. So what is it about shopping that causes husbands to try on hats…..Dan tried glittery ones right after Christmas….his beard is gray and blended with the rough on the hat.

    Hope you have a creative week!

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